Note: By default, it will only allow you to select Acrobat PDF FIles. Under Configure Graphic, click the 'File.' button, select 'Browse', and choose the picture of your signature you prepared earlier. Under Title, give your signature a name (purely cosmetic). In the following window, under Appearances near the bottom of the window, click ' New'. Under the first section, Creation & Appearance, click the 'More.' button. Next, select Signatures in the Categories list on the right. In Adobe Acrobat Pro, select Preferences from the Acrobat menu (Mac) or Edit menu (Windows). Step Two: Creating Your Digital Signature
You may want to crop the image file in Preview (Mac), or Microsoft Paint (Windows). The file will need to reside on your machine). Scan or take a photo of it with your mobile device and email it to yourself (you can also use the webcam on your laptop), and once you've received the file, save it to a location on your computer (do not save to a server, or any removable media such as a USB flash drive. Sign your name on a clean, white piece of paper with a black pen. If you do not have Acrobat Pro, please contact Commonwealth Help Desk and request that it be installed. The instructions attached require Adobe Acrobat to perform on your computer. **This article is intended for employees of Commonwealth//McCann.**